Show and Tell — Vases was our Stretch-Out Discussion Topic on March 11, 2021

Show and Tell — Vases was the topic of our Stretch Out discussion on Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 8 pm Eastern. While the discussion was led by those who Zoomed in to share their stretch glass, some of the vases discussed are featured in this document.

There was a lot of active participation from about 20 stretch enthusiasts as they embraced the opportunity to show and tell some of their favorite and unusual vases. Some chose the first piece of stretch they had owned, which happened to be a vase. The experts chimed in when identification was needed. Questions arose concerning swung vases and various treatments of the tops of vases. The bases used with these vases and the unusual frogs that were produced for the vases were discussed. Our resident florist, Bob Henkel, showed how the different colored vases gave a different overall look when using the same flowers. Occasionally a participant showed a vase and then another showed the same vase with a different top treatment. We were able to see the comparison when a vase was made in 3 different sizes. This could only have been realized by using the interactive platform.

Two out of the five discussion calls each year will be this informal Show and Tell format. We thank everyone who participated and look forward to ones joining us next time.